Thursday, April 28, 2011

How To Choose A Theme You Won't Regret!

Highly themed weddings are become increasingly popular.  The question is, if you don’t have a theme that you’re sure of, how do you pick one that you want to build your big day around?

Most women have dreamt of their wedding day since they were little girls.  From the moment you attended a wedding as a little girl and saw a beautiful bride in all white, surrounded by people who loved her (and told her how beautiful she looked as she married the man of her dreams), you’ve imagined what that day may look like for you; and from then on, every wedding you attended, you took little mental notes (or actual notes, for you serious planners) of what you do or don’t want.  You thought about what color scheme you will pick.  In the 80’s, you swore it would be hot pink, in the 90’s you were sure it would be something in the pastel family, and now you’re looking for something more rich and timeless.  You knew that picking your colors would be fun, but picking a theme seems to be a much more daunting task.  You don’t want to pick one that boxes you in, and you don’t want to pick one that ends up being difficult to bring to life in your wedding.  So how do you pick a theme you won’t regret?  Your answer?  Maybe don’t just search for a trend, but search for one that means something to you!

Some people go by cultural or religious symbols.  Some go by a theme that both the bride and groom share a common love for (i.e. nature, or traveling).

For example, Bamboo is a Chinese symbol of longevity, durability, strength, and resilience.  It's significant because it survives the harshest of conditions, which is the kind of love that most marriages hope for.  This is a theme that is easy to carry throughout your wedding, while still being simple and elegant!

Some find something symbolic that tells their story-this adds a personal touch that leaves an unforgettable mark in the memory of every guest, and lets them feel like they know you better.  At most weddings, there are a number of guests who only know the bride or the groom, and not both.  Distant relatives, out of town guests, and friends from high school may not have had the opportunity to get to know the man you’re about to marry; so why not find ways to share your story, or pieces of your relationship, with them.

When my brother was getting married, he and his wife-to-be planned their wedding around a necklace that had played a significant symbolic role in their relationship.  It was an antique-looking key with a heart in it.  This enabled them to go vintage/antique with many other details of their wedding, but base it on this one “key” symbol of their relationship, the key to her heart.  They had an invitation designed with the key, and found many more creative and classy ways to incorporate the key.  They took this piece of jewelry that was very significant in their relationship, and branded their whole wedding with the symbol of their love.

Whether you choose to tell your story with a custom symbol of your relationship, or use a cultural symbol, or pick a theme relative to the location of your wedding (or the location you wish your wedding was), IntriCutz has the perfect invitation and accessories for you.  If we don’t, there’s the possibility that we could design them just for you.  After all, the invitation is how you first introduce the theme of your wedding to your guests.  It’s the perfect opportunity to illustrate the beauty of your big day, and build anticipation!

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