Friday, October 19, 2012

Mr & Mrs Favor Box for a Mr & Mrs I love!

I know I’ve raved about our custom services before, but here is a great example I can show you of how it’s been wonderful for me, personally.  Well there are lots of ways it’s been wonderful for me personally, since we got started because I got a big idea to do my own wedding invitation laser-cut, but that was five years ago and we’ve since evolved.  I need to get better about Christmas cards and such because I’m sad to say that with the incredible laser-cut possibilities I have at my fingertips, besides the work I do for others, I very seldom design things for my personal and social world!

But this was a different scenario.  My beautiful, life-long friend Jaime was getting married to a wonderful guy.  It was the kind of love that all of us celebrated because we knew them both to be incredible people, and it just seemed perfect!  None of that awkward, your-friend-is-marrying-someone-you-don’t-like-or-think-deserves-her stuff.  We couldn’t have been happier.  Anyway, maybe I could tell their story and show more pics in another post sometime, but here are Clayton and Jaime!

Jaime is a person who has a great sense of personal style, and a crafter.  So you put those two things together and you have a serious DIY bride with a beautiful and unique wedding.  She did a lot of things that incorporated their individuality, and included the vintage “Mr & Mrs” theme,  Here’s a few pics, so you can get the idea:

On that note, when helping plan her shower last fall, we didn’t necessarily have anything that perfectly fit with her theme, so I created a [laser-cut] invitation (not pictured) to the shower and a favor box (below).

I stuck with her theme and kept it simple, and I learned a valuable lesson... custom is not too complicated!  I need to get better about sending out cards and things like that, especially since I have this resource at my fingertips!  Don’t be jealous, you can have access to it too.  Custom is that easy!  Tell us your idea, or send us a picture or a file and we can make it happen!

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