Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blended Seating!

Seating at wedding ceremonies can be tricky, when done traditionally.  If the groom and bride aren’t from the same place and the wedding is in the hometown of the bride, her side will tend to be a lot more full than his.  For example, my husband and I.  He’s from Brooklyn, New York, I’m from Springfield, Missouri, and we met in school in Memphis, Tennessee.  No matter where we had our wedding, it was going to be hard for lots of people we loved to get there.

Well, thankfully one of the traditions that has fallen to the way-side is the one where seating is according to the bride’s side and groom’s side.  Mixing up the friends and family of the bride and groom not only keeps you from running into the awkward imbalanced proportions, but it also blends everyone.  I love this idea because it is an even-greater representation of two becoming one, and the merging of family and circles of friends.

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