Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Constantly Evolving To Better Serve: New Line With Same Designs!

Developing a business that provides a unique product or trade is a task in it’s own, but finding ways to make the product and customer service more catered to the individual customer is a project all in it’s own.  The truth of the matter is, it’s a never-ending job.  New needs arise, and so new ideas should follow.

One of the many ways that IntriCutz has been working to give our customers the best (and most) options is in creating a new line.

Our first line was the classic line which had a very intricate style and cut names.  It is well worth the cost if it’s in your budget, as it is incredibly detailed & unlike anything else this industry has to offer.  This is our Hearts IntriCut Classic design.  As all of our designs, it consists of multiple layers (two here, the gold and red cardstock).

The next line we designed was our “Lite” line.  The major difference was that we removed the laser cut names and printed them instead.  This, along with the simplified layout, made the line more affordable.  One other perk to the printed names was that they kept the invitation able to flow with one consistent font.  This is our Hearts IntriCut Lite design.

The most recent line that we’re now bringing to the table is our “SimpliCutz” line.  This line is simplified further, but includes the laser cut name that the Classic line had.  This is our Hearts IntriCut SimpliCutz design. It’s a simplified and more affordable line, but with the same designs that everyone fell in love with from our earlier lines!

There will be more to show in the future, so be sure to tune back in; but the best way is to add our IntriCutz website to your bookmarks and check back in with us frequently, so you can see it all for yourself!

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