Thursday, July 28, 2011

Your Wedding: Your Wallet

It used to be traditional for the Father of the Bride/Family of the Bride to pay for the wedding.  Now, it’s no longer custom for parents on either side to pay for the wedding.

Blame it on the progressive times we’re in.  When it was the Father of the Bride’s responsibility, the bride was moving directly from her family’s home into her new married life with her husband; now, ladies are becoming independent sooner, moving out and going to college, working on her own and building a career.

In the 1950’s, 60’s, and even 70’s, the average age a female would wed was at 20 years old, by the early 90’s it was 24, and more recently it’s 25-26.  There’s a big difference between the level of independence of a 20-year-old and a 25 or 26-year-old.  All this said to say, times are changing!

Does that mean your parents won’t help?  No.  Many of them still help out in some ways, some still pay for the wedding entirely.  It means that you shouldn’t expect for anyone but you and your groom to fund your wedding.  Anyone else’s contribution is an added bonus.  So, cut back on shopping trips and forego the caramel macchiato a few times a week to build to build your piggy bank.  You’ll be glad you did.

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